Embedded Wireless

Teradek Embedded Wireless modules offer professional and industrial application developers to easily integrate the robust Amimon 3rd generation technology into their platforms.

The Embedded modules include a small size and low weight transmitter and receiver that can be configured based on the application needs. The configuration varies in video, audio and control capabilities for different ranges.

The Embedded wireless modules provide:

  • Up to 4K video with zero delay (<1mSec)
  • Bidirectional data channel for control
  • Standard HDMI input and output interfaces
  • SDK APIs for controlling the link parameters
  • SW management tools for users and operators 

The application can be used in indoor and outdoor applications and are well proven in the following markets:

  1. Medical 
  2. Cinema / Production.
  3. Construction.
  4. UAV/UGV
  5. Professional AV installation.


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